accident insurance elderly
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Vender mi casa y seguir viviendo en ella

Recupera tu hipoteca

Después de tantos años pagando, deja que tu casa sea quien te ayude a disfrutar ahora a través de soluciones como la hipoteca inversa.

Seguir viajando seguro

Protección internacional total en caso de accidente sin importar donde estés para que puedas realizar tus actividades con tranquilidad.

Desahoga tus gastos

Úsalo para cancelar deudas, reformar la vivienda o para pagar un cuidador. ¿Te has planteado cuánto cuesta un cuidador para personas mayores?

Solutions and insurance for seniors

Activities for senior citizens


Now your house invests in you: reverse mortgage

If you have spent your entire life paying for a mortgage to own your home, but now you have missed using that money for other projects, you can still enjoy your old age with more liquidity.

enjoy old age


Accident insurance for seniors

Accidents are never good, but if they also happen when we want to enjoy all our hard work to the fullest, it seems to hurt even more. This is why having accident insurance is a good option.

Solutions and insurance for the elderly

Reverse mortgage

Transform your home into a life annuity.

  • If you are aged over 65, this product is of interest to you.
  • Maintain ownership of the property.

Accident Insurance

Make sure you receive compensation in the event of an accident.

  • Death and disability.
  • In the private and work fields.



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