Investment funds

Occident Bolsa Española, FI

Occident bolsa española, FI
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What makes Ocident Bolsa Española, FI different

Occident Bolsa Española, FI, is a national equity fund. In general, the fund invests a minimum of 85% in Spanish equities and the rest in safe-haven securities and mainly in government bonds. It invests in equity securities of companies of high credit quality and maximum solvency.

Services included in our fund Occident Bolsa Española, FI

Practical information Occidente Bolsa Española, FI

Occident Bolsa Española, FI performance

The management objective is to maximise the return/risk ratio. The fund is active and management is not based on any reference rate. Past returns do not guarantee future returns. 

Fund performance

Individual return (% not annualised) Returns
Yearly total 11.06
Last quarter 0.81
Q1 10.17
Q2 6.68
Q3 0.16
2023 23.36
2022 -1.13
2021 11.35
2019 8.44

Fund composition

Pie chart showing the percentage distribution of the fund's composition.

Investor profile


Index applied: SHARPE. This index is a ratio is used to show how far the return of an investment compensates the investor for assuming risk. It relates the yield of an asset to the volatility of the price of this asset. The greater the Sharpe ratio, the better the performance/volatility ratio.

View the documentation. Occident Bolsa Española, FI