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Legal Protection

Company legal protection insurance

legal protection insurance
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What makes our company legal defence insurance different

Corporate legal protection insurance allows you access to a wide range of experts for the advice and resolution of any legal issues that may affect your business. It includes an advisory service with the possibility of forwarding extrajudicial claims and obtaining, if required, legal defence and negotiation services before courts or institutions.

Legal assistance

Have the legal guidance you need at all times in all areas that affect your business or company's activity.

Defending your interests

We provide you with expert support to deal with all types of processes, from claims to third parties on any legal matter.

Claim for non-payment

We manage your company's claims for pending payments, both amicably and through the court.

Iberinform Service

You will have access to Iberinform, a complete database of companies that will allow you to anticipate situations of risk.

Personalised protection

Choose the coverage options that best suit your company and design your customised legal protection insurance.

What does our business legal protection insurance cover

Services included in our legal protection insurance



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