Fco Javier Beloki Zulaika

Exclusive agent

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Your insurance agent for Zarautz

Our insurance agency in Zarautz offers you excellent advice on the entire range of insurance and investment products.

Our aim is to protect our customers' personal, equity and financial interests, through trust and a high level of advice, professionalism and innovation, backed by a strong team spirit. Xabier Beloki is an Exclusive Agency and Financial Adviser of Occident and Occident Capital.

As an exclusive Occident agent we offer the services of a solvent, dynamic and constantly evolving company, which is a leader in the Spanish insurance and financial protection sectors. For our professional trajectory, Occident has appointed us an Exclusive Agent, which means that it places its greatest confidence in us and grants us the maximum competence that an agency can have.


Gure aseguru etxeak, aseguru zerbitzu bikaina eskaintzen dizu aseguru eta inbertsio alorrean. Gure helburua bezeroen babes pertsonala, ondarea eta finantza arloan, konfiantza eta aholkularitza maila altu batetik, profesionalitatea eta berrikuntza aplikatuz, taldeko espiritu sendo baten laguntzaz ematea da. Xabier Beloki Occident Etxeko, agentzia esklusibo gisa esleituta dagoena, eta Occident Kapitaleko finantza aholkularia da. 

Occident-ko Agente Esklusiboa izatea konpainia disolbatzaile, dinamiko eta etengabeko garakuntzan dagoen konpainia izatea da, Espainiako aseguruen sektorean erreferentzia eta finantza babesean liderra dena. Gure ibilbide profesionalarekin lotuta, Occidentk Agente eskusiblo gisa izendatu gaitu, horrela gugan konfiantza handia ezarriz eta agentzia batek lortu ditzakeen eskubide gehienak emanez. 


Home, car, life insurance… We find the solution that best suits you.

We help you

We will accompany you and give you support whenever you need it, even in the event of a claim.

You decide

By telephone, at our branch or by email. You decide how you want us to help you.

Our promotions

Come and visit us

Fco Javier Beloki Zulaika

20800 Zarautz

Products marketed by this agent

The most popular policy

All risk car insurance with excess

Economical premium without foregoing any coverage.

  • Damage to own vehicle.
  • Extended assistance.
The most popular policy

Home insurance

Your home is unique and special, that's why we offer you tailor-made protection.

  • 24 assistance and emergency services.
  • BricoHogar Service include. 

Healthcare insurance

Choose the copayment option you prefer and access the best private medical care.

  • Nearly 50,000 professionals and medical centres.
  • Keep your own paediatrician and gynaecologist.

Pet Insurance

The most comprehensive veterinary insurance for your pet.

  • Veterinary directory and our own network of pet homes.
  • Civil liability.

Temporary Life insurance

The necessary financial support for an unforeseen event.

  • Death and disability.
  • Advance payment of capital due to serious illness.

Capital Savings insurance

The fastest return on your savings.

  • Obtain a guaranteed short- and medium-term return.
  • Freely access your money from the ninth month.

Looking for other products? See all the products we offer at occident.com